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Showing posts from January 26, 2014


James Joyce (1882-1941) RELATED   QUESTIONS : How do you think Mrs. Mooney settled with Mr. Doran about Polly? Did Mr. Moran marry Polly or pay out compensation?  Sketch the character of Mrs. Mooney. Write an interpretation of 'The Boarding House'. Briefly narrate the story of "The Boarding House". Characters : Mrs. Mooney (butcher's daughter) Miss Polly Mooney (daughter) Jack (son) Doran (lover of miss Polly) Leonard (boss of Doran) Summary of the Text : James Joyce’s “The Boarding House” is the suspense story which ends with the strategic techniques of Mrs. Mooney, central character in the story. She plays the significant role to settle the love affair of her young daughter and Mr. Doren with whom she had an affair and special relationship. The story is all about the character sketch of a strong determined woman named Mrs. Mooney and her persuasive strategies to settle her daughter’s affa


Shreedhar Lohani, Nepal (1944-) Gaia is a beautiful poem composed by Shreedhar Lohani. He is one of the most famous, loved and respected name in English Department. He is a renowned Nepali writer, critic and poet. Prof. Lohani has achieved his degrees from Tribhuvan University and the University of England and the U.S.A. He has taught English literature in English Department for several years. Lohani's poems are influenced by the romantic writers. In this poem ‘Gaia’ means the earth. The title of the poem comes from Greek myth. In Greek myth, Gaia (also called Gaea) is considered to be the Goddess for earth. Hence, Gaia is the symbol or personification of mother earth or nature. The poem is about nature which is the main subject matter of romantic writers. Nature is mother, a feeder, care taker and the one who nourishes. Indeed, it is nature that sacrifices, endures all the difficulties and gives life to her generations. As a mother, nature or the earth is gentle. As a female


Anuradha Chaudhary, Bangladesh (1947-) The Essay "How Sane Are We?" by Anuradha Chaudhary is based on the environmental problem. Basically, she presents her ideas that human beings have been too much irresponsible and indifferent to the conservation of the environment and she predicts that it will make their life quite difficult. She believes that due to human indifference, rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, the environment is getting heavily polluted. She is a professor of environmental biology. In this essay as a researcher of the environment, she talks about the degrading condition of nature and its surrounding. Mainly she believes that the gases produced by the industry, mishandling the chemicals and the excessive use of CFCs  ( chlorofluorocarbons )  have greatly contributed to the destruction of the ozone layer which causes  skin cancer , the greenhouse effect  and other various epidemics  (widespread outbreak of an infectious disease; many people are infected