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Showing posts from December 25, 2022

Chapter 6: TRUTH

  CHAPTER 6: TRUTH The concept of  truth  is one of the most basic concepts in logic.  Truth  is a matter of correspondence to  reality . If you say " Paris is in France ," then your statement is true since Paris is indeed in France. Whereas " Paris is in Japan " is false since it is not the case. When a statement is true, logicians like to say that it has  T  (truth) as its  truth-value . When a statement is false, its  truth-value  is  F  (falsehood). If a statement is neither true nor false, then we say it lacks a  truth-value .  Æ   RELATIVISM :  Relativism  is the view that  there is no objective truth , and that  truth is always a matter of perspective or opinion . However, this extreme position is difficult to defend.  ·        If relativism is  objectively true , then " Either relativism is true or 1 + 1=2 " is another objective truth. So, there cannot be just one objective truth! On the other hand, if relativism is true only relative to some persp

A Complete Summary of Patterns in Language: An Introduction to Language and Literary Style

  Chapter 1:  INTRODUCTION & SOUND AND METRE IN POETRY Chapter 2:  SOUND AND METRE IN POETRY Chapter 3:  GRAMMAR AND LITERARY STYLE Chapter 4:  MEANING Chapter 5:  STYLISTIC APPLICATIONS TO DRAMA Chapter 6:  FROM CLASSIC REALISM TO MODERNISM AND POSTMODERNISM Chapter 7:  STYLE IN POPULAR TEXTS Chapter 8:  THEORY AND STYLE: NEXT STEPS Bibliography Thornborrow, J., & Wareing, S. (1998).  Patterns in Language: An Introduction to Language and Literary Style.  11 New fatter Lane, London EC4P 4EE: Routledge.   Sample Questions: Questions to Practice 2023 PART 1: Subjective Questions   1.        What is stylistics? Explain some debates about the methods and purpose of stylistics. 2.        What is phonology? Elaborate sound patterning with examples.  3.        Define the following terms: a)        Couplets b)       Quatrains c)        Blank verse d)       Sonnet e)        Free verse f)        Limericks 4.        What common words are represented by the following phonemic notations? a)