Nick begins the chapter by describing an incident in which a reporter showed up at Gatsby's door, asking to interview him. This opening reminds the reader that Gatsby is the subject of rumour and gossip throughout New York. After describing the incident, Nick notes that he spent some away from Gatsby, and then goes on to verify the true facts of Gatsby's biography. In the chronology (history/narrative) of the novel, Nick did not know these details yet, but in looking back on the incidents as the narrator of something that occurred in the past, he did. He then gives Gatsby's biographical details, the truth behind both the public rumours and Gatsby's own claims: born Jay Gatz on a farm in North Dakota around 1900; changed his name to Jay Gatsby at age seventeen; spends more than a year on the south shore of Lake Superior clamming (gather clam/sea-shell by digging in the sand by the ocean) and fishing; attends and drops out of St. Olaf College in southern Minnesota after
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