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Chapter 11: New Directions from Audiovisual Translation and Digital Technology

  Chapter 11: New Directions from Audiovisual Translation and Digital Technology ➢     The rise of  multimodal texts  and  digital technology  has changed the landscape of translation. ○       Multimodal texts  are texts that combine different modes of communication, such as text, images, audio, and video. This can make translation more challenging, as the translator must consider how to convey the meaning of all of the different modes of communication in the target language. ○       Digital technology  has made it easier to create, distribute, and access multimodal texts. This has led to an explosion of new genres of translated texts, such as subtitles, captions, and voiceovers. ○       New translation tools  have also been developed to help translators work with multimodal texts. These tools can help with tasks such as transcription, translation, and localization. ○       Theories of translation  have also had to adapt to the new challenges posed by multimodal texts and digital techn

Chapter 10: Philosophical Approaches to Translation

Chapter 10: Philosophical Approaches to Translation ➢     Philosophers have been discussing translation for centuries, but it was not until the 20th century that translation became a central concern for some philosophers. ➢     Some of the key figures in philosophical approaches to translation include  Ludwig Wittgenstein ,  Walter Benjamin ,  Martin Heidegger ,  Willard Quine ,  Donald Davidson ,  Hans Gadamer ,  Paul Ricœur ,  Jacques Derrida ,  Judith Butler ,  Gayatri  Chakravorty  Spivak , and  Barbara Cassin . ➢     Despite the work of these philosophers, the impact of philosophical approaches to translation on the development of translation studies has been limited. This is because the history of translation studies has been shaped more by a linguistic perspective than a philosophical one. ➢     Anthony Pym  has categorized the three ways in which philosophy and translation are linked: 1.     Philosophers have used translation as a case study or metaphor for issues of more gener