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WHY GO TO UNIVERSITY? a Brief Summary of an Essay Written by Moti Nissani

Moti Nissani, USA (1947-)


Moti Nissani, the editor of this book, has presented ten advantages of going to Universities in this essay. This essay is about the value of education. Nissani shows some disadvantages and many advantages of a university Education. He says that we have to spend a lot of time and money in university but it yields sweet fruits. We go to university for a formal degree. If we go to Universities, we have to overwork instead of enjoying our lives. We face additional worries. The results of different tests don't make us happy. Universities cost a lot, and we spend time and money instead of earning. To some extent, ignorance is happiness. Knowledge is responsible for many social problems.

In spite of a few disadvantages, a university Education has many more advantages. Though going to university might create additional stress in life, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, university education provides income and job opportunities, which improves social status. Secondly, educated people enjoy better health than others because they are much more aware of different diseases. Educated people are healthier, physically and mentally. When we study in university, there is mental exercise and our mind does not rust. Thirdly, educated people are more conscious about physical exercise which is beneficial to physical, mental and emotional well-being. Fourthly, educated people are valued more by culture. Fifthly, learned men and women are highly respected in society. Sixthly, lack of education damages social standing and self-confidence. Seventhly, a university education expands the social horizons of every individual. They make new friends. They share new ideas. Education increases personal freedom. Education makes us less dogmatic about our own beliefs and more tolerant of the belief of others. University education frees the human mind from any kind of prejudices. Finally, education helps to flourish democracy in a country. University education makes us capable to judge the policy makes their policies. This helps the democratic system work properly.
A country needs educational manpower for its development. It is fulfilled by a university education. Not only that university education gives us an opportunity to make many friends, teamwork, friendship, prestige, respect, awareness, cooperation etc. develop and increase because of a university education. More than that, such formal education provides us personal and social freedom. Thus, we should go to university to understand ourselves, our responsibility, the meaning of our life and the mystery of the whole universe.

This essay focuses on the value of education. It tries to show that education is supremely valuable. The essayist says that formal education or university education is necessary to live a meaningful life. Moti Nissani presents many advantages of university education; it fulfils a desire for learning and a thirst for knowledge. University education helps us to enhance our future careers and it develops every aspect of our life.  It helps for our all-round development. It removes narrow mind, pride and superstition and leads us towards progress and prosperity. University education is essential for the development and betterment of citizens, society and country.

This essay is very much interesting and impressive. It is about the value of education. The writer shows that the formal education that we get at the university helps us in many ways. However, I cannot agree with some of his ideas. There are some unclear ideas in the essay. Is only formal and university education important? What about informal education?  Why Nissani does focuses only on formal education? Can we not become educated and civilised through informal education? Do all the educated people find better jobs and income?

I am very much affected by this essay. Before reading it I didn't know the value of education. Before reading this essay I used to think that a university education provides only better jobs and opportunities to earn much. But I was wrong. It also teaches us how to live a healthy life. What are the difficulties that people have to face in the lack of education? In sum, this essay gave me a new way to join with its multiple values.

1) Education is the third eye of a human being. An uneducated person can see water in the river but an educated person can see the electricity in it. Education is the light of life. It removes the darkness from the mind and fills knowledge. In this essay, Nissani talks about the importance of a university education.
2)  This essay gives emphasis the importance of higher education.
3) A better-educated person can get a better job easily than a less educated person. He can earn more income and maintain a good living standard.
4) Education provides us knowledge and knowledge is power. An educated person is likely to resolve difficulties and conflicts in a rational manner. Educated people are wise and tolerant, and they also realise their mistakes. 
5) Educated people take better care of their health. They are more likely to enjoy better health than tycoons. They know the disadvantage of smoking, fatness, tension, lack of exercise, overeating, imbalanced food, etc.
6) Educated people are curious about new things and new places. They are a lover of knowledge and are civilized and well-cultured. Going to university expands our social horizons. We meet new people, make new friends, and share new experiences. Education also helps for friendship and personal growth. Educated people are less dogmatic. They don't hesitate to fight and die if anyone tries to grab their rights and freedom.
7) Educated people also have knowledge of the universe. Today modern people believe that the earth moves and the sun stays still. 
8) Education and democracy are closely related. Democracy flourishes only in an educated society. It does not exist if people are ignorant and selfish. So education is supremely important and valuable.

Advantages of University Education

1. University education helps someone to get a good job and another opportunity. The better educated you are the higher your income tends to be. It is said a chief wealth of a nation is not its hand, Natural resources or population but skilful people. Educated people can construct a gold mine in the desert land.
2. An educated person is more likely to solve difficulties and problems in a rational manner. Education teaches us many other practical applications.
3. Educated people are more likely to enjoy good health. They have better health consciousness than uneducated people. An educated person is more likely to lead a meaningful life and is less vulnerable to stress-related diseases.
4. Educated person exercises his mind more than an uneducated person. The way we take care of our body by exercising, we should also exercise our mind. It is said that a sound mind is necessary to live a comfortable life.
5. Educated person is respected in every culture in the world. A person is handsome, kind and physically fit but if is uneducated, he will be considered difficult or inferior. Education makes people self-confident.
6. Education makes people curious. Basically uneducated people are less curious. Curiosity leads us to the critical and creative world. So educated people are more creative and critical than uneducated people.
7. We can expand our social horizons wider by going to university. We meet people from different places and cultures. We become friends and share experiences.
8. Education increases our personal freedom. It makes us less dogmatic about our own beliefs and more tolerant of the belief of others. It destroys the narrow-minded walls of our minds.
9. Education tells us about our existence in the universe. It informs us that all human beings are members of the same species. It also warns that any species will extinct if we can't modify the environment.
10. There is a direct relationship between democracy and education. Democracy requires educated citizens to flourish it. We must educate ourselves if we want to establish permanent democracy in our country

Disadvantages of University Education:

1.     We have to overwork instead of enjoying.
2.     We should face additional worries.
3.     The result of every exam doesn't make us happy.
4.     Universities cost a lot. We should spend time and money instead of earning.
5.     Knowledge is responsible for social problems. Ignorance is happiness.


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