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UNIT 8: Talking about Past: Narrating Past Events

1. Enrich your Vocabulary 

Happy cannot be a verb. But the verb "have" is implied: I wish you have a happy reading, meaning : "I wish you enjoy your reading.”

Adjectives are words that are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Examples, red, quick, happy, etc. 

An Adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella.). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly as their adjective counterparts. 

3. Read and Rearrange

(Answer Only):

  1. A couple of doves had been living in a peepal tree for years. 
  2. At the bottom of the tree, there lived a big black snake in a deep hole.
  3. The doves were upset because the snake had eaten their eggs and chicks.
  4. They went to their friend’s house to get help.
  5. The fox asked what their problem was.
  6. They told everything to the fox.
  7. The fox presented a plan before the doves.
  8. The doves returned home and implemented the plan.
  9. The guards chased the snake away.
  10. The snake never returned there. 
  11. The doves lived happily ever after. 
  1. Rewrite the following sentences supplying the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 
    1. Lalita studied (study) hard at university, and graduated in 2014. 
    2. He traveled (travel) to Thailand to find a job two years ago. 
    3. In Bangkok, he worked (work) as a bellboy in 2014. 
    4. Riya visited (visit) India last year. 
    5. She bought (buy) that house in 2013. 
    6. When the teacher came (come), students stood up. 
    7. The train left (leave) half an hour ago. 
    8. When we arrived, they danced (dance) in a hall. 
    9. Binita had finished (finish) her homework before she went to bed. 
    10. When the telephone rang (ring) I was washing my clothes. 
    11. When we reached the cinema hall, the film had already started (already start). 
    12. The bridge broke down after the truck had crossed (cross) it. 


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